Budget CD player with USB input

I'm looking to put together a small system which will at times be used by my daughter when she practices music.  I need a CD player that has a USB input, but I'm looking to keep the cost low and the sound quality of the analog output high.

I'm not looking for anything ridiculous, something like NAD, Marantz, Rotel, etc.  Ideally $400 or less, and less is better.  Any thoughts?
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ARCAM SOLO NEO or ARCAM SOLO MINI  ..... used units frequently available in the $500-ish range for the upper end NEO and less for the Mini.

Also has both iPod and USB inputs to go with the CD and FM and Internet streaming / internet Radio.

Google the great reviews
second the Yamaha.  I have bought a bd-s677 (blu-ray, dsd, usb, wifi, $250) and I was more than impressed.  The sound in direct comparison with my msb dac (link iii) was much much better, better imaging, more natural.
The Japanese have been back in the mid-fi/hi-fi for some time.