You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...

But there is a world class system there for your use.  Leaving many favorites behind but I must have:

Yes - Close to the Edge
Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs
Neil Young - Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
John Lee Hooker - Mr. Lucky

Classical (all on vinyl, some DSD remakes)

Scheherazade, Chicago Symphony, Reiner
Also Sprach Zarathustra, Chicago Symphony, Reiner
Der Rosenkavalier, Schwartzkopf, Von Karajan
Barber, Recording of T. Schippers including Medea, Adagio for Strings, etc
Mozart, The Great String Quartets, Amadeus Quartet on DG

Jimi Hendrix - Axis Bold as Love
Jeff Beck - Truth
Andreas Vollenweider - Book of Roses
Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (live version)
The Who - Quadrophenia
Dudes, we are doing it! Repopulating the Island!! And it looks good!!! On my third coming to the island I bring:
Goose Island by Camel
Shamal by Gong (this LP is my lifesaver for those painful hangover mornings!)
The Colour of Spring by Talk Talk for those moments when u need help living on an Island with a bunch of dudes. Very potent downer!!!
1st Brahms Sym under Bohm, on constant roration since I was 10
Minstrel in the Gallery remastered by Steven Wilson

Thank you, MOUNTZ, for bringing KC, I thought you'll never get here!
The Clash - London Calling
Brian Eno - The Shutov Assembly
Sugar Cubes - Life's Too Good
Yes - Close Too The Edge
Jimi Hendrix  - Axis: Bold as Love