Is 11' distance from projector screen too close?

I have a room that is 11' 6" wall to wall and I wondered if anyone knew whether that was too short of a viewing distance to use a projector?

I was hoping I could use a smaller screen, say 90" and it wouldn't be too large or overpowering for the short viewing distance.

If anyone has knowledge about viewing distances using a projector or personal experience concerning this dilemma, please respond.

Thank You
I want to thank everyone for their time and response.

I have an opportunity to purchase a new, in the box, Sony VPL-HW15 for about a grand less than anywhere I can find it on the net.

Just seriously concerned about the short distance and whether or not to pull the plug on the projector idea and go with my original idea, which was the LG Infinia 60PK950 Plasma.
Sedona take a look at this for that model

From everything you can see on this link it will work perfectly, it is well within its sweetspot of throw range.
Thanks for including your model as it made it easy to see this will work fantastic. You can go almost 1.5ft closer and still throw that screen size.
And oh yeah PULL THE TRIGGER! Nobody ever says "I wish I had gone with the smaller Plasma" and once you experience the large image thrill for movies, sports, games, concerts or whatever your into you will have a big ole smile on your face thankful you went Projection!
That Sony is a sweet performer, has both vertical and horizontal manual lense shift and can throw from 6 to 30ft, at 1000 lumens its not gonna be ideal for the long throw ratios listed as it will lose some punch but keeping it on the close end will allow some low level to moderate lights to be on during viewing. Yuo will love this unit.
"Between Sony Panasonic, Epson and Mitsubishi I see no reason to look at the Runco type overpriced models".

When is the last time you saw a Runco? I just viewed an LED model over the weekend. None of the manufactures you have listed come remotely close to the image the Runco throws.

I do like the Sonys though. If spending over $2300, a JVC RS10 or HD250 is the best option.
I can see one in 12 minutes by driving to "The sound shop" in Canfield Oh or in an hour by going to "Audio Visions" in Strongsville Oh..... so lets not go there.
Nor should we pretend that their models trump the image of consumer based product lines I have listed, certainly not to any close extent their premium price would suggest.
They are not as reliable, cost more to buy, mantain and service, bulbs are overpriced and offer shorter life span aswell. You can easily get a good unit for around $2000 and for a bit more you can get a fantastic unit and still not come close to the extreme cost of a boutique unit from Runco,,,,,,,,they are a company who is rightfully in trouble IMO.
Projectors are something I know about, and Runco simply is not a value for what you get period.
Take a look at the Runco LightStyle LS-5 Projector, its entry level, has 1000 Lumens, manual zoom, focus and no Keystone or and it looks like a $800 budget Sony that sold about 6 years sells for $7000...WOW!
But you can get better and go all the way up to $250,000...yup a quarter of a million bucks...........NICE!
But dont worry you often cant buy these anyway unless its wrapped into a super premium HT room construction project because thats where the real money is. Selling these overpriced models are just iceing on a stale cake.
If you have to say "look what I spent: Runco is a great choice but dont think you will be walking circles around those who buy more cost friendly products from better known options, you will be the only one who feels that way. Oh and your dealer!