Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 
MF6 is discontinued. There is an M6si, which I’ve owned (purchased new) since December 2015. I highly recommend it. At the time and point of purchase I compared it to Krell Vanguard and McIntosh MA6700, both considerably more expensive. Realistically the Musical Fidelity is right on par with those integrated amps and for considerably less money too. To those who have indicated the DAC in the MF is somehow lacking, I disagree and consider the DAC more than adequate for audiophile grade performance. The aformentioned stated, I have no experience with the Parasound.
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Halo is overrated, IMHO. And yes; I've read all the reviews, but in my system,in my room, I was very much underwhelmed. I've just finished a search for a new SS integrated and ended up with  Wells Audio Majestic. At $3600, it may exceed your budget, but in terms of musicality, to my ears, the Wells is far superior. Just thought I'd
mention it as Wells seems to be relatively unknown or at least,
rarely mentioned, in these forums.