Bwaslo 8-1-2016 1:36 am edtThis is an excellent point, among other excellent points in Bwaslo's post. In looking further at the descriptions of various Kondo amplifiers I see that **all** of the SET and parallel SET models listed at their site (Kagura, Ongaku, Souga), and also the Gakuon II which is not listed as a current model, are indicated as having 5% THD at their specified maximum power ratings. Presumably if their max power ratings had been specified less aggressively (i.e., somewhat lower), the specified THD would have been significantly lower.
The percent distortion spec, as usually given, should be read for the POWER level that produces it (i.e., to indicate what the manufacturer assumes is the maximum power the amp might do).
Interestingly, though, their Overture integrated amp, which is a push-pull EL34 design, has its max power spec based on 1% THD. Just guessing, but perhaps their thinking is that differences in how THD is distributed among the various harmonics when the two kinds of designs (DHT SET vs. push-pull pentode) are operated near their limits would result in say 2% THD in the push-pull EL34 design being subjectively more objectionable than 5% in the DHT SET designs.
On the other hand, though, as Atmasphere has pointed out on numerous occasions, for best sonics a SET should not be called upon to provide more than a small fraction of its rated power, as in contrast to push-pull designs the distortion produced by a SET becomes vanishingly small at low power levels.
All things considered, for an application requiring just a small fraction of the Kagura's rated power I'll retract my previous statement about ruling it out from consideration on the basis of the 5% number. Although I would feel more comfortable in doing so if comprehensive measurements (such as John Atkinson provides in Stereophile) were available.
Best regards,
-- Al