Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?
199 posts
08-05-2016 3:05pm
"Geoff, I can say as a "Novice" of vibration I find it a stretch to understand how a tone through my phone will improve my system."

I know what you mean. There has been considerable blowback on the Teleportation Tweak but I guess I asked for it, right? Lol Act-chew-ally, I don’t send a tone through the phone, although that's the most frequent guess. It has nothing to do with tones, signals that condition the system, white noise, pink noise, sine waves or Schumann frequencies or anything even remotely like that. The system doesn’t even have to be turned ON at the time I do the TT nor does the customer have to be in the house. He doesn’t even have to be in the city. And I can do the TT anywhere in the world. As fate would have it I decided last year to get it all out there and write an explanation how the Teleportation Tweak works. The whole story can finally be told. The name of the paper is, "How the Teleportation Tweak Works - The Whole Story Can Finally be Told."

Oleschool also wrote,

"Hey guys send me springs and starsound platform I will put them under my tube guitar amp and my various audio gear and I will give an honest answer( I know niether of you need my approval).You didnt respond Robert did,I do believe your springs work they are proven throught the world .I would think they would be a big improvement under my sub. I have 33 yrs in audio( salesmen at The Discerning Ear in Md late 80s- 90s.) and have been a musician for 35 yrs i have tried hundreds if not thousand of ridiculious tweeks to real deal stuff while many applauded at my house and others laughed at me.If it works I believe it, I guess thats why one of the biggest threads here is on fuses lol
Respect to all."

I have a pretty strict policy not to sell any of products to participants on threads here. Sorry about that. I view it as a conflict of interest. Thanks for your interest, however.


Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
the only good vibration is a dead vibration

geoff ,
So i guess what your saying is "If i am interested in a product of yours i cannot purchase it? How is that a  strong business plan? I came to this site to find new and inovative products and learn more about the audio gear world.But yet i cannot buy a product from you? That is more confusing then your detailed explanations on seismic wave theory.. Very puzzeled and confused.
" ... I have a pretty strict policy not to sell any of products to participants on threads here. Sorry about that. I view it as a conflict of interest."
This sounds like a very silly policy to me. I don't even see where there would be a conflict of interest. Buying an audio product and participating in an audio forum are two entirely different things. Where's the conflict? How could anyone be harmed?
With all due respect,thats like saying" oh i’m sorry you have been to my concert and seen me live sorry you cannot buy my album" again dazed and confused....
You told me which of your springs to use under my tt and said running your springs under my sub would be a great idea in another thread.At no point ever have I been disrespectful to you ,I could understand a member who you have an issue with but any forum member cannot give you money for your "product" your tweek is on the gon for 2bucks if i bid on it you wont sell it to me ? huh.
This is more confusing then cold fusion lol
That’s a very practical policy actually since nobody who spends time discussing anything of consequence with Gk is likely to buy his wares though his explanations must have surely made his 4th grade science teachers head spin.   Saves everyone a lot of embarrassment.  🏆