Turntable Recommendation 15K budget Avid Acutus, Brinkmann, Oracle, Nottingham,,

Hi All,

Im looking for suggestion or any forms of recommendation for a New Turntable,My  buget is from 10-15K. I already have a Tri-Planer Tone arm and just looking to upgrade the table.

Not interested in the Kuzma or VPI, below are the ones i am looking at mostly:

AVID Acutus
Origin Live

Or a Older Gerad, Technics SP-10 Thorens?

Anymore suggestion,

I abandoned Vinyl many years ago in pursuit for the best digital gear. Was extremely disappointed with the MSB Diamond & Analog DAC after owning it for over 18 months i sold them both.

I now have the Playback Design Merlot dac and pleased with it but would like to go back into Vinyl.

Im looking for a very musical presentation, transparent, speed which has a nice midrange bloom but not over the top. Somethign which can last me for a few years at least 5-8 years with out upgrading.
I have owned Nottingham Analogue for 19 years now. I bought one of the last Mentor tables, now replaced by the Dias. Same bearing. I recently upgraded the motor and power supply to top Dias standard. I also replaced the weak point, the plinth, with an aluminum/baltic birch / aluminum sandwich.

Results were spectacular - when I finally bought a higher end Koetsu, my dealer, upon visiting, said that my cartridge (Koetsu) was at long last the equal of the rest of my system.

Sound is smooth and quiet, with lush vocals, clean highs, and tight bass. Surface noise is very low. I was very satisfied with the NAS until my air bearing design came together last month - but that was an 18 month project and mucho dinero.

As noted, the NAS plinth is the weak point. I live far from heavy traffic, road or rail, and so do not need a sophisticated suspension. If you are not so lucky, then the Dias may not be for you.

But if your situation is similar, for $10-$15K in a finished product, I doubt that you could do better than a Dias with the optional power supply. I have rarely heard a TT that I liked better than my updated Mentor, and certainly not for $15K.