Albums you can listen too all the way through and it's all good

I just listened to Jack Johnson's "On and on" Enjoyed the whole thing. Some songs better than others but very listenable all the way through.
Wilco / Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Roxy Musics first and second albums
Tom Waits / All of them
Stevie Wonder: Songs In the Key of Life
Marvin Gaye: What's Going On

And practically every Christmas CD I own  :)  (and I own a LOT!)
These are some of them:

Jennifer Warnes - The Well
Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
Cat Steven - Tea For Tillerman
Rebecca Pidgeon - The Raven
Steely Dan, Aja, Gaucho
Eric Clapton - Unplugged

....simply too many to list.