HOLO Audio Spring DAC: Affordable discrete R2R Multibit Dac, could be a winner.

Many manufacturers are going back to R2R Multibit d/a conversion, a good portion of audiophiles are saying it sounds better than the cheaper d/a conversion of Delta Sigma, (1 bit), Bitstream, Saber. etc.
And it says it uses dual R2R’s Multibits to support DSD natively!!? 

Product Description:This new DAC.”Spring” is the first design of a new era, a milestone for HOLO Audio’s own Jeff Zhu. It’s a full discrete R2R type of audio decoder and does not have off the shelf-DAC chip! This is a bespoke custom-designed core DAC module and truly a breakthrough with technology for any DAC chip today. The Spring is here to achieve new heights, new dynamics and simply a full spectrum of audio to please the aural senses. This Dac has been called the poor mans Total Dac / MSB / Wavedream / Chord Dave Etc. It plays with the big boys.


Looks amazing inside for $1,700. Schiit Yaggi better watch out!!!!

Cheers George
This looks like a very good designed and implemented product. Their level 3 version could be quite special. It offers upgraded Jensen capacitors in the power supply and a silver wired 100VA transformer (green label). No question that higher quality transformers and power supply capacitors make a significant difference. Internally it appears to be very well built. Interesting the builder recommends the Audio Horizon Platinum fuse as a desirable option. True R2R ladder architecture. Isuspect that this DAC (particularly the level 3) could be exceptionally good sounding . I'm curious as to their approach to I/V  conversion (an important variable). Their pricing seems very fair given what’s provided. I wish them well.
How do they do DSD if it is true ladder dac? Do they oversample. This would ruin it for me
You raise a good point regarding DSD.  If the implementation of this DAC is high level it could be excellent for Redbook CD playback. 