It's important to note that pro gear is different than consumer gear. Pro gear usually converts the balanced signal to single-ended immediately, and feeds it's inputs with that, until it's output, when it is again balanced by adding a negative phase op amp stage to drive the (-) pin.
Consumer gear may be fully balanced, meaning you have two sections working in opposition from input to output, the idea being that any crossover effects or distortions will be canceled out. In these cases it may be better. Also, some amplifier inputs I've seen such as from B&O and Hypex are really balanced input only. There's a paper that goes into more detail at the Hypex website on balanced inputs.
There is one big reason why balanced may sound better that your engineer friends aren't thinking about. Ground loops. Balanced systems don't ground a pin, meaning if there's any ground voltage imbalance between a pre and amp, it won't be part of the signal chain. With an RCA connector it almost always must be. When I worked in pro gear, we had to deal with single ended signals, but always kept the signal ground disassociated from the chassis and safety ground. Not a lot of consumer gear goes through this much effort.
Consumer gear may be fully balanced, meaning you have two sections working in opposition from input to output, the idea being that any crossover effects or distortions will be canceled out. In these cases it may be better. Also, some amplifier inputs I've seen such as from B&O and Hypex are really balanced input only. There's a paper that goes into more detail at the Hypex website on balanced inputs.
There is one big reason why balanced may sound better that your engineer friends aren't thinking about. Ground loops. Balanced systems don't ground a pin, meaning if there's any ground voltage imbalance between a pre and amp, it won't be part of the signal chain. With an RCA connector it almost always must be. When I worked in pro gear, we had to deal with single ended signals, but always kept the signal ground disassociated from the chassis and safety ground. Not a lot of consumer gear goes through this much effort.