Wow, thank you all for your responses! I've been going through all of your recommendations and trying to research them to the best of my ability with the resources that I know of at this time.
I do want to reiterate something at this point so that you are all aware of my plan moving forward. This is my introductory system. I know that it may not be 100% optimal for the room it is going in at this point in time. I do plan to upgrade as it makes sense moving forward. We have been building the BnB over the last year and want to make audio a main part of the experience for our guests and plan on having a very nice option in all the rooms. I'm sorry if I was unclear about that up front.
@facten I was not aware of the virtual systems page. Thank you very much for pointing that out and I've already spent a good amount of time checking it out. That is a phenomenal resource!
@inna I've been looking into the Cronus Magnum II and it looks like a very solid option and right along the lines of what we are looking for. Speaker cables shouldn't have to be over 10ft. We are ok with an "entry" level table, and are ok spending around $1-2K give or take at this point.
@robr45 the rp3 is compelling and right in the sweet spot for our current price range. My local shop already tried to deal with me on an rp1, so maybe they will extend that to the 3.
@oleschool buying used is a scary proposition for me. I'm not saying I'm against it, but I would like a solid recommendation or two on places that you might suggest to look for used gear.
@stevecham Those are both really nice options, were you left wanting for power at all?
@mapman We are in Denver...I'm afraid it will be a while till it will be up to an audiophiles standards though :-) We used to own a cafe, so it's a much more relaxing way to do what we love!
Thank you all for your responses. If I didn't mention you, it's probably because I'm still digging into what you had to say.
I'm currently visiting Minneapolis, do any of you have a recommendation on a shop or two that I should visit?