Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Four winds,
I'm happy for your  positive results.  I began with the SR 20 Quantum fuses four years ago purely out of curiosity and was delighted with the outcome. Each step up of the SR fuses has led to improved sound in my system. 

It's really impressive the large number of people your thread has exposed to the merits of premiun fuses. The list of satisfied listeners  continues to grow.
^^^ ... Thanks, Charles. 

The "Hagerman Frycorder" has been connected to the Oxaide main outlet, the one that I plug the power conditioner into, for 24 hours now. Very nice improvement in overall articulation and a much improved three dimensional presentation.

I connected it yesterday when it arrived in the mail and let the system warm up for a couple of hours.  The improvement was heard immediately ... and was even better this morning. I'll let it continue cooking in that one outlet for two more days, then start running it through each power cord, and subsequently through each socket on the power conditioner.  

After that comes the TV system. Its a 73" Mitsubishi rear projection set. Its an awesome toy for this football junkie and his similarly affected friends. According to the reviews I've read, the Hagerman Frycorder is supposed to improve not only the sound of the TV, but also the picture as well. Looking forward to the results. 

And speaking of football ... For those of you who haven't been to a high school football game in the last 20 years, you must go if you're a football fan. These high school athletes have come a LONG way and are competing at the college level of 20-25 years ago. Training and nutrition, that's where its at.  I've missed maybe five Friday night games over the past 25 years. We're just a bunch of old coots who meet up each week and we still love our Friday Night Lights.  We get there early for the JV game and stay 'till the end of the Varsity game. We even go to all of the "away" games. Fun. 

Fourwnds ...

Thanks for the well written report. Your description is right on.  Its the removal of the grain that you didn't know was there until you changed the fuses.  That lack of grain accounts for the improved articulation and naturalness of the instruments. You should be getting more of a 3-D effect too, with more space between instruments.

Moving up to the SR Black fuses would account for even more improvement in the areas you described. That's because as good as it is now, there's still a lot of grain left to be removed.

Its getting to the point in my system where there is no longer "space between instruments." There is a real sense of actual musicians and vocalists moving about in their own spaces between and around the speakers. In fact, on most well recorded material there are no longer any speakers. No electronics either. Its like all electronic devises have been removed from the room with the music being left in a more real fashion than ever before. 

Looking forward to more of your reports. Please post the results as the fuses continue breaking in. 

Thanks ...

Wolfie sez ...

" I just talked to Ted Denny and he says this stuff really doesn't do anything and no real research was involved other that some marketing ideas.  He says enjoys reaping a pile of money from the "seekers' who are seemingly born every minute, and apologizes to those who have found his products to be useless…he has issued a resounding "meh."

Alcohol is such a wonderful drug. <Sheesh!>

Just finished watching the Detroit Lions comeback against the Indianapolis Colts in the final 37 seconds and win with a late field goal. Taking a break from football and am listening to Baritone saxophonist Leo Parker and some Oliver Nelson. I'll catch the Sunday Night game (Patriots vs Cardinals) in a little bit. 
four winds:
Thank you for posting a very articulate description of what the Synergistic Research SR-20 fuses can do . They really are the current bargain in audio upgrades being on sale at 50% off. I know High End Electronics Inc.and Parts Connexion Inc.have them at this price. Possibly the Cable Company also.

Friday night high school football is a real treasure here in southern New Mexico. Las Cruces has a great well lighted field. Teams use an open passing style of play. And for the audiophiles in the audience, fabulous bands both in their music skills and in their complex marching routines. And for me it is a chance to see my senior daughter play the snare drum as part of the Las Cruces High School Bulldog Marching Band Drum line! Good Stuff indeed. 

Charles - I have not tried the Teresonic speakers with the 300 SET amp yet.
Getting ready to put in the EML mesh tubes in the 300 amp.

I hope everyone takes time to listen to some beautiful music this week. Today not many years ago there was no music playing but instead only the sounds of pain, death , and disbelief.

David Pritchard