SET 45 Amp Driving Dynamic Speakers

I have an Antique Sound Labs Tulip SET amp running Emission Labs mesh plate 45s, driving Audio Note AN E speakers. It will play WAY louder than I want to listen, and the dynamics are amazing with all types of music.

Why do I keep reading that 45s (and other low power triodes) are only appropriate for horns, or other super efficient speakers? I think a real disservice has been done to the audiophile community by the propagation of this idea. IMO, anyone who prefers to listen to music at sane levels can enjoy the many benefits of a low power SET amp with carefully chosen dynamic speakers.

Anyone else feel this way/have similar experience?
Hi Gary,
The point Iwas attempting to make is what you and larry have noted regarding lower power (including SET) amplifiers. My Symphonic Line SS amplifier was really quite good sounding and I enjoyed it for nearly 3 years. It was powerful, refined, clear and dynamic. I really can not be critical of its performance and service.

Gary and larry alluded to the "lifeless" character of SS relatively speaking. This is precisely what I heard once I got my SET amplifier and Gary you’re right, it’s quite apparent. The tone and timbre took a step upwards, harmonic overtones were more developed and fleshed out. The flow,pace and musical timing were improved. The major overall effect in my system was increased presence,naturalness, vividness, simply more life and emotion.

I still enjoy listening to vinyl in other system’s very much, a good friend has a wonderful sounding Basis table and arm with an Aesthetic Phono stage. Yet I find high quality digital front end setups equally engaging. As with you I am not compelled to return to an analog front end. I’m deeply experiencing the musical message with digital these days.
The speakers I have lined up for eventual use with a SET or similar tube amp are Triangle Titus XS monitors which are quite small not not particularly extended in the bass but still marginally efficient. They are small but very good for their size and their sweet spot is playing at lower to moderate volumes.

As a result expectation is that a SET or OTL would excel with these perhaps more so than any SS amp. Those using these with tube amps report consistently excellent results. Adding powered subs (most use Class D amplifiers these days by the way)would likely provide what is missing, let the amp do the thing it does best (low distortion when not over driven) and make the system a true top performer.
" harmonic overtones were more developed and fleshed out "

That could be the pleasant 2nd order harmonic distortion Atmasphere pointed out perhaps?

If so who cares really. As long as it sounds good. Nobody ever said accurate reproduction of music always sounds best. Just like there are many ways to enhance a photo to make it look better. HDR on iphone cameras is a good example.  I use it all the time.
I believe you'll be happy with either a SET or OTL amplifier with those speakers.  I'm very familiar with the Atma-Sphere MA-1 and their 60 watt amplifiers.  Regarding SET just be sure to get one with good quality output transformers and well developed power supplies. These are the last areas to compromise if you want top sound quality. 
Charles yes I am with you on that.

The challenge will be space and budget  is limited at first and I will be going only with an integrated amp, not separates.

I am open for suggestions but the white GLOW Amp 1, which I have heard at shows,  is my leading contender at present.   Aesthetics and WAF will matter as well.  It would go into a smaller room and my intent is not to have to play it loud (my other systems cover that).  Adding powered subs may be an option if needed.

I will likely downsize my  home at some point in a few years so options for smaller great sounding systems are of interest.   The Bel Canto C5i is my most recent shot at that and I have been most happy with that unit.