Dac to remove Digital Glare/ edge

What is the best Dac to remove digital glare/ edge on highly compressed 80's Rock and roll

In looking for help in the 2-7k hz frequency range

or another way.

A Dac to make crappy albums sound acceptable in the highs

do the filters do this? Or ?


Possilbly a tube buffer between DAC and amp?

MHDT DACs have tube buffers in output stage.
You seem to be implying that these crappy albums are redbook CD not high rez files. IMHE the Schiit multibit DACs do a better job with redbook CD than most others and especially at their price points. Search threads and online reviews for Yggy Yggdrasil, Gumby Gungnir and Bimby Bifrost. The latter two you want the Multibit versions, the Gumby only comes in multiunit. Cheers,
What you need isn't a new DAC, but tone controls.. :)

It sounds like you have a specific idea of the problem. May I suggest a miniDSP such as the nano? It can apply correction in the digital domain, but requires a PC for the user interface.


I use an Electrocompaniet ECD-1 dac. It up samples everything to 24/192. Very smooth non traditional digital sound even on the material you questioned. Makes it very listenable. Used with a Empirical Audio coax digital cable ( a very under rated piece), IMHO a killer combo. If you feel you need slightly more warmth, use digital cables from DH Labs.
Using good cables across the system did it for me.

Perhaps the power cable on the DAC made the biggest improvement as far as removing glare.

But if your DAC has a good power supply, you might want to try some different  IC's