very dumb question

I have a question that probably a little stupid.  I am upgrading my turntable.  In the past I was using Project RPM III with a different amp.  Now I have moved to Prima Luna Dialog HP Integrated without phono stage. I have purchased Rega RP6 with exact cartridge and to get the phono stage I bought the Rega Brio-R.  This is an integrated amp with phono stage but I am basically just using it for the phono stage.  Wanted to keep Rega with Rega as for TT and phono stage.  Can i then input into the Prima Luna with the now amplified signal?  Is that going to make sense?

Thanks in advance
I have the PL HP. 

Do yourself a sonic favor. Invest in a decent phono stage.
Your table and ears deserve it.
There are plenty of choices in every price point.
That Rega will sound great with a tubed phono stage. 

+1 with Dekay's post; there is a record out on your unit.  that will bypass the volume control and give you the best sound from the unit.  After you live with it for a while (and perhaps try the Brio by itself rather than through the Prima Luna, much as I like that integrated) you can then decide if you want something different or not.
I have two systems with turntables ... one system has the Rega Brio as its power source and the other has a PL Prologue 5 power amp paired with a Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24 preamp with a Schitt Mani phono amp.  Previously, I tried using an old Adcom GTP 500II preamp and a Parasound Z-phono preamp with the PL.  

To my ears, the Schitt Mani is better than the preamp section in the Brio and the Adcom and Parasound.  You can set-up the Brio as dekay outlined, but I doubt that you will be wild about the Brio to PL combination.

As you gathered, I am not that thrilled about the Brio's phono section.  I might be tempted to get the PL phono card for $250.  The Schitt is a no brainer at $150.


Now I have moved to Prima Luna Dialog HP Integrated without phono stage. I have purchased Rega RP6 with exact cartridge and to get the phono stage I bought the Rega Brio-R. This is an integrated amp with phono stage but I am basically just using it for the phono stage. Wanted to keep Rega with Rega as for TT and phono stage.
Ok, I can appreciate keeping Rega with Rega but I gotta ask the question...why buy a Rega integrated just to get the phono stage? And not use the Rega Brio’s amp capabilities because you already an integrated amp with the Prima Luna?

All you had to do was get a standalone Rega phono stage like this one...

or this one...

Either would plug right into any available line level input on the Prima Luna.  And the best part is that there would be no redundancy. Can you take the Brio back?

Just connect it as described and enjoy.

Yes, there are better phono stages, but I assume your Rega/Rega will sound very nice.

Aside from that you have a complete backup amp (with phono) for the PL.

I used the phono section (only) of an Advent 300 receiver for years (patched through various tube gear) and was rewarded with super results through the 70’s/80’s.

If the Brio is new give it some time to bloom sound wise (same for the TT/cartridge if new as well).

Only talking about 25-50 hours of use, before sonic changes become apparent.