Jeff Beck Loud Hailer

Anybody heard this? Streamed via Tidal it fills my listening room wall to wall with some of the freshest sounding blues rock I've heard in a long time.  Definitely full range.
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I’m enjoying the LP. Jeff Beck is the ultimate sophisticate in all of R&R guitar. Nels Cline’s recent "Lovers" earns him the #2 spot.
Have not heard this one but have you heard JB's Rock and Roll Party?   Outstanding live performances and recording similar to what you describe.  I wonder which is better?
mapman - haven't heard Rock and Roll Party, will check it out.  I was doing some digging yesterday and listened to Jeff Beck Truth again from 1968 with band including Rod Stewart and Ron Wood - terrific bookend to his latest work.
I am a big Jeff Beck fan. Try "Performing This Week...Live at Ronny Scott’s". Excellent recording. Tal Wilkenfeld is on bass.

He does duets with Joss Stone and Imogen Heap.
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