Adding a 2nd Sub to a 2 Channel System

I'm using a JL Audio E-110 sub in my system with Lawrence Violin SE stand mounted speakers. Since my Primaluna Integrated amp uses a dedicated mono RCA output, the speakers run full range and the sub is crossed over at 45hz per my Lawrence dealer's recommendation. Based on this configuration, is there any advantages of a 2nd sub by adding a Y connector and splitting the signal to 2 subs?
Measurements would answer this question.

While, in theory, a second sub, assymetrically placed, would help, the benefit could be very small.

Bass Traps, and sub EQ (if not already there) are the first things to add. Then, if measurements suggest you still have important room modes to treat, a second sub.


Two subs will sound substantially better than one because you won't be able to localize where the bass is coming from.
@limniscate You can't localize a single sub either, when "properly integrated". I defy anyone to hear either my main speakers or my sub as distinct  sound sources. :)

Again, it's all about configuration, and configuring a sub is a major PITA. :)

