Best amp for natural timbre of unamplified acoustic instruments & vocals w/ Revel F32?

Because these are ceramic and titanium they can sound hard, thin and sterile.  But they need solid state probably because they are inefficient and for bass control.  I like tubes but what are your experiences?
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f you tracked the unacceptable sound to the speakers, then , really, move on from those.  I stubbornly refused to do so with mine until I finally gave in - very glad I did. 
There is another thread on the harshness of these speakers. For the music you like look at Harbeth or Spendor and tubes.
Based on the information provided my instinct would normally be to advocate selling the speakers.  Assuming, of course, that your assessment of their sonics reflects adequate break-in, experimentation with placement and with settings of the controls that are on the speakers, etc.

However I took a look at the manual for the speaker, and I note the following rather unusual statement in the section that lists maximum recommended cable lengths as a function of gauge:
High loop resistances that exceed 0.07 ohms (for each wire run) will cause the filter network to mis-terminate, resulting in considerable degradation of sound quality.
("Filter network" presumably referring to the crossover circuitry).

In its effects on the sonics of the speaker power amp output impedance will essentially add to the loop resistance of the speaker cables.  Based on your previous posts it appears that you have probably been using Manley and/or VTL tube amps with these speakers.  Virtually all tube amps have output impedances that are much higher than 0.07 ohms, while most solid state amps have effective output impedances that are in that vicinity or lower.

So I would not finalize any conclusions about how to proceed without first trying a solid state amp with the speakers.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al
I've heard the F32's with tubes and I didn't hear sterile.    I did hear un-involving compared to other speakers.....

I owned Revel Studio 2's for 2 years and ended up replacing them
with Magnepan 3.7s which I still own after 5 years.

It sounds like you are after a more musical, involving presentation.

In that same price range, I would audition the Ryan 620.  I've heard
it at the shows and I believe it is everything Revel isn't.....

If you stay with the Revels, and want're also going to need enough juice to drive an 86db efficient loudspeaker.

My first candidate would be the Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated....

May cost a lot to get the best from those Speakers. As others have said, you might check with Revel to find out what they suggest - they will know.

And - as others have said, you may find it more effective (less frustrating and less costly) to swap your speakers.

The most cost-effective Speakers I’ve found to deliver the kind of sound you’re after are the Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton’s. Not the "prettiest" - but, certainly the best sounding - by far. For the money. They sound as good, or better, as the others mentioned for acoustic music. Efficient and easy to amp.

Or, the Magnestand Maggie’s (pair on usaudiomart for sale) are also superb (better than stock Maggie’s by a lot). As all Maggie’s, require a bit more powerful amp than the GT’s.

Both superb!