CARY SACD Pro CD skipping Issues

Hi everyone I am curious of anyone having Issues with there Cary Audio SACD 303T Pro Player skipping with CD’s and SACD’s. If so what was wrong with it and what did you have to change out?

I had a Cary 306 SACD and it had all the problems mentioned above. I sent it to Cary numerous times. Each time the repair bill was between $500-$1000. Always something. Finally, after the last time it was fixed, I traded it in.

Cary was not so helpful to me. So, personally I won’t buy any more Cary products.

Additional info:

The repairs that were made to my Cary were;

Under warranty they just greased the sled.

Then out of warranty suddenly all of these issues occurred.

*New laser (twice)!

*New sled

*New circuit board


No more Cary for me!

Thanks! for sharing- guys.

it is imperative that we post both positive & negative experiences when dealing w/ these companies. Cary gear is not cheap.
You guys I took the matters into my own hands an DIY. opened the cover. Checked the transport, had a bunch of dust bunnies on the laser track, and transport. Cleaned it out and re-lubed the laser track with Vaseline, and solved all of the skipping issue's. Though what type of cleaner would you clean the laser eye with? Also what type of cloth as well?