RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5

I spent quite awhile in the Boenicke/Sotm room at the show and was quite taken aback on how musically engaging the W5's were. They ooze a musical timbre that was simply stunning. Considering how diminutive they are (no bigger than PC speakers) they produce a big sound stage. To my ears they are a true Hi-Fi bargain at a paltry $3600 a pair when they are compared to some speakers that cost many times  more and are not in the same league as these miniature mighty marvels. There were a few speakers at the show that nearly made my ears bleed and my wallet to hide........

Anything float your boat at this years show?

Regarding Zu speakers I greatly respect the opinions of several folks who post on Audiogon and happen to be Zu owners. I've heard various Zu speakers a total of 5 times and each encounter was disappointing  (CES and RMAF venues). Perhaps they don't sound their best under show conditions  (although I have heard numerous brands that manage to sound good at these shows). It may be the tendency to play them loud for demonstration.  They just haven't sound very good so far in my experience. 

Come one, $3600 don't even buy top of the line cable, any cable. Talking speakers, I pay attention to nothing less than $10k unless perhaps they are sold only direct. And size does matter.
This is why I agree with the 6 Moons reviewer regarding preconceived notions.  I just believe that you have to listen to a product before you can form any "meaningful "opinion. That's just me. 
The last time I checked, the law of physics was still alive and working. I have no doubt those little speakers would have sounded awesome in my college dorm room but I bet the guy who invented them was not even born back then. That aside, let's get real and compare apples with apples. Money no object, it is quite possible these may be best sounding speakers if someone is looking for speakers for a small room. I bet I would have been a lot more popular if I had these speakers in my bedroom back when I was single.