Genuine Kondo???

Been staring at these two listings and can't work out if they are genuine or not. They have stirred an interest in me at the price as heard and loved them at a dealership a year ago. Price looks good as well. 

Emailed the guy who says he is in Germany, sent me pics of a filled crate and I can visit but he doesn't have PayPal which makes me very suspicious.

This looks more promising but is rather expensive at €13500.

Would welcome your reflections and thoughts on these listings. How would the more experienced of you approach these items?


I would say that first ad looks a tad dicey to me you can't really see the amps closeup in the pics. The second ad looks much better and is also on this site:
The seller has good feedback just not a lot of it, so proceed with caution. And as regards pricing, Kondo gear is super expensive so if you're looking at it you should be prepared to pay for it.  Good luck!
We used to sell Kondo and the KSL-DAC used to sell NEW for around $12,500 USD. Yes it had a retail of 30K but the mark-up was so high we could sell them at less than 50% off list.