Looking for music streamer/server...Is a Macbook Pro better than a Sony Hap Z....

I narrowed down my audio choices down to 2. I am looking to purchase a music streamer/server and when I visit the audio shows all the manufactures use Mac Pro's. Is this the best way to play Hi-Rez music? Is it better than the Sony Hapz1?

All comments are greatly appreciated.
DIY a Linux based streamer for USB. 2TB plus gaming and video for around $650. You can go even cheaper with a pi based solution.

You can then use Samba to share the music directory and use whatever music software you want to tag and organize it.


Go with a MacBook Pro; ease of data management for multiple formats, choice of playback software (I use Fidelia) and iTunes/Apple Music (now streaming at 96kHz, sounds great!), portability, graphics, all make this my streaming digital source of choice for the past 4 years. Plus, it's all about the DAC employed (I use a Wyred 4 Sound DAC II SE) that really matters for the audio quality and how it manages and filters the data stream. External backup/increased storage hard drives are cheap and small too. Definitely a MacBook.
I switched from a top of the line Windows based laptop and Wyred4Sound DAC-2 DSD to a Sony HAPZ1ES (my second one) with absolutely no regrets and to my ears, the Sony blows away the former set up.  I got tired of the endless software updates and security patches with the laptop.  I am a very happy camper.
My Sony continues to impress, for 2 years now. Sounds great. Interface via tablet. Streams hundreds of stations. Have the matching amp also. 
Well it's clear that we have a topic where we all finally agree on what's best. Cheers,