Dear Tim (Pryso), Let me help you with that. Stewart is full of baloney if he insists on analogizing a magneplanar type speaker with an ESL. They may both be "flat", but that's about where the similarity ends. The principles of their operation are completely different. Thus also their typical impedance characteristics and inherent efficiencies, respectively, are very different. ESLs that need lots of solid state power are ESLs that were designed with SS amplification in mind and which typically contain crossover networks that grossly waste amplifier power and in the process also create nasty impedance dips at or near midrange and bass frequencies. If he prefers SS amplifiers to tube amplifiers, that is another matter, and there he is entitled to his opinion.
Frankly, magnepans leave me totally cold. They are dead sounding; they fail to capture the natural decay of musical instruments. Only the later iterations that incorporate a ribbon tweeter are at all listenable, to me. And that is only my opinion, of course. The thread is about ESLs, however.
Frankly, magnepans leave me totally cold. They are dead sounding; they fail to capture the natural decay of musical instruments. Only the later iterations that incorporate a ribbon tweeter are at all listenable, to me. And that is only my opinion, of course. The thread is about ESLs, however.