Hearing Aid

Tried and rejected many, but yesterday I came across a  pair that doesn't sound digital, doesn't close up the sound, does only good things.  I highly recommend anyone with an interest to go to Costco and get their inexpensive Rexton units....opens up the world, eliminates the grey and lifeless sound of your stereo (..you might think yours is perfect until you put on a pair of these hearing aids).  Recommended (comes with 4 programs...#3 is a real winner.)
An EQ would also work. If you are all digital, putting one before your DAC will be inaudible.


If you ever find yourself down this way in the desert or just want to hear 845's and hybrid horns my door is open to you.

I was just outfitted with a pair of Phonak aids from Costco. What a difference. I decided to regard these devices as another component in my audio system, which helps me psychologically to adapt. My brain should be able to take it from here. :)

Stringreen, you’ve got me interested in the Rextons. My audiologist told me that the Phonaks "are the best" for my particular situation. She’s good but she’s no audiophile. :)

Two of the most significant benefits are that now I can listen to music at much lower volumes in addition to being able to hear so much more detail. Soundstage is wide open, and if anything, there’s a bit too much detail. :) I think my brain will adjust over time- the audiologist assured me this will happen.

Technology may not be able to address all the woes of humankind, but for me, this is revelatory. I feel extremely fortunate. And yes, I understand I have a "first world" issue.
Today, I got a call to try a new hearing aid called Bernafon.  ..comes from Switzerland and I find it much better.....cleaner, clearer, much less digital, more open, etc.  (also more expensive...but)  These are my keepers.