right now I have a mindsp in the circuit. Since I am in an audio club I am fortunate to have loaner equipment available. So today someone lent me a Dahlquist LP-1. I know vintage Lol! It has a higher input impedance so I want to what the effect of that is.
On a related note,at this meeting the host was using GR Research dual 12 OB woofers with the A370PEQ amps. It sounded very good. I like OB stuff. However it is around 3K for that alone. Ultimately I would like to build a pair next summer. Hopefully I can save some money DIY.
right now I have a mindsp in the circuit. Since I am in an audio club I am fortunate to have loaner equipment available. So today someone lent me a Dahlquist LP-1. I know vintage Lol! It has a higher input impedance so I want to what the effect of that is.
On a related note,at this meeting the host was using GR Research dual 12 OB woofers with the A370PEQ amps. It sounded very good. I like OB stuff. However it is around 3K for that alone. Ultimately I would like to build a pair next summer. Hopefully I can save some money DIY.