Hi Jet,
You consistently provide meaningful thoughts and perspective. I understand what you reasoning is for less frequent forum posting. This endeavor of assembling high quality audio systems is absolutely a very personal undertaking. It is a true reflection of how we hear and react to the music we enjoy. Naturally our desires and goals will vary across a pretty wide spectrum.
This explains the enormous number of options available to us in the form of audio products,. Amplifiers of many different topologies, circuits and power. All manner of speaker categories to choose amongst, same plethora of choices for sources as well. It's no wonder why we all have different systems that vary in individual components and obviously sound/music reproduction outcomes. How could it be any other way?
Jet when you write that perhaps only 5 of 20 listeners may like rock music heard in your system, that's okay. The only relevant point is that the sound is presented as you like it. Once you've determined what type of sound you want the next step is to go about achieving it. This is the key to long term home audio listening contentment. I believe that you are there.
You consistently provide meaningful thoughts and perspective. I understand what you reasoning is for less frequent forum posting. This endeavor of assembling high quality audio systems is absolutely a very personal undertaking. It is a true reflection of how we hear and react to the music we enjoy. Naturally our desires and goals will vary across a pretty wide spectrum.
This explains the enormous number of options available to us in the form of audio products,. Amplifiers of many different topologies, circuits and power. All manner of speaker categories to choose amongst, same plethora of choices for sources as well. It's no wonder why we all have different systems that vary in individual components and obviously sound/music reproduction outcomes. How could it be any other way?
Jet when you write that perhaps only 5 of 20 listeners may like rock music heard in your system, that's okay. The only relevant point is that the sound is presented as you like it. Once you've determined what type of sound you want the next step is to go about achieving it. This is the key to long term home audio listening contentment. I believe that you are there.