Record weights

  Just wondering what you folks consider acceptable poundage for these things. In my shopping Ive seen weights vary between 7 oz up to 3 lbs! I just want enough weight to be effective without killing my TT ( Clearaudio Concept wood)  Thanks for your thoughts.
861 posts
11-09-2016 2:00pm
Knowing Shun Mook, the cost of the weight is probably anywhere from 2 to 3 thousand dollars!

Yeah, if you're lucky.

I have one one in use on my linn lp 12.I don't think i can ever go without it.In terms of cost it puts many cartridges to shame without it.I feel from my experience/opinion it is without a doubt a 200.00 steel compared to a high dollar mc cartridge.I have not tried it with a mega buck cartridge.It relaxes and opens up . Airy with no glare. Today i played an old lp and heard new stuff that had never before emerged.I had to run errands this am but had trouble leaving after a few tracks.WOW.Highly recommended.R.W.
Well the best is probably the Durand record weight which weighs 550g, but costs $3500US! I also like the Combak TU-812MX “Million” Maestro Analog Record Clamp which weighs 360g, but again not cheap ($3kUS). I own a few Stillpoints Ultra LPI’s which Roy Gregory raved about. The LPI weighs 680g & are a lot cheaper ($550).
I love the KAB record clamp, ~$35.  It uses a tight coupling to hold the LP down, not wieght, and it has a neat little bubble level built in.  Especially useful for suspended 'tables.  I have used it for about 6 years without any issues.  Cheap and cheerful, as they say.