Class "A" sound, as related to Stereophile.

It's all about the sound.

It's all about sound, not how much it cost; when I got into "high end", I knew right off the bat I couldn't afford it, but I had to find one thing for sure; how do the various components sound in regard to Stereophile's classes, or ratings? In order to know this; I had to acquire the ability to identify "Stereophile's" class "A" class "B" and class "C" sounds, and the only way to do that was: first, subscribe to Stereophile, and next was to go to every high end audio salon within driving distance; there were 5 well stocked "high end" salons within driving distance. (Since I didn't take my wife, that created some problems)

After a few years of subscribing to Stereophile, plus auditioning equipment that Stereophile recommended, I knew the sound of those recommendations, and I absolutely concurred with them; "If you want to hear the music, you got to pay the piper". While that's true, it's possible to get class "A" sound with class "B" bucks or less.

At this moment, I am looking at 8 capacitors that cost $25 dollars each, plus 2 mono blocks with an instant resale value of 6K. Once I take the covers off and go in with my soldering iron, these mono blocks are worth a resell of O; my mission must be a success. After a successful mission, the resell is still 0; but those mono blocks will deliver class "A" or "A"+ sound, and that's some sweet music.

I have to visualize and hear music in my head before I can modify a component to deliver class "A" sound; but that's the only way for me to get what has become a necessity.

The pressure someone is under when they modify, is great, but the rewards are glorious. On these mono blocks, they are too small for the huge capacitors, therefore I have to figure a way to make the case larger. My reward is "sound" with absolutely no relation to money. I often wander if someone with a fat bankroll can identify the sound, or only how much they paid for each piece.

Happy listening.

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Viridian, the closest to creating the experience you described is in a movie theater; a listening room is a long way from a movie theater.

I had a Phase Linear 4 channel, that was interesting; it created some ambiance, and had features like a "dynamic range expander", that did just that; but when it comes to accurately recreating music, I prefer the way were going, which requires a lot of expertise, but it can't be beat in the small area of a listening room.

Until we complete the journey were on, we wont know how far we can go. I'm enjoying the ride in the meantime.

Have fun along the way.
The Stereophile rating system has become a joke since John Atkinson took over as Editor. That rating system used to mean something when Gordon Holt was in charge. Back then, Stereophile was dedicated to serious high end gear regardless of cost, and only the best equipment earned the vaunted Class A rating. Now NAD and Marantz components are deemed Class A. The fact they had to invent Class+ after realizing how ludicrous it was to publish actually good high end gear alongside NAD, Sony etc only proves that. There are still good staff there, but it’s just another money making business now.

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