
I am on the hunt for a good chair...for small room...don't want it seal to floor...legs preferably...

Question is leather seems to sound better cause it doesn't soak the room of sound....opinions?

I purchased the Kendall chair from World Market. I would rather not have leather since it bounces sound. Also this chair has a low back and nothing behind your ears.
Natural fibers generally absorb sound, they don't reflect it. That's why when you compare the awful echo you hear in an empty room vs. a room full of heavy upholestry the latter sounds deader...the furniture helps absorb the sound and break up waves. 
Try Ikea their chairs are surprisingly well designed and affordable. If you are willing to spend big bucks Relax The Back has amazing chairs for amazing prices. Cheers,
If i went leather i would put a throw on it...i dont get all these high back chairs...I was going to stop quick at world market...ive been surprised before and gotten things from them...definitely not sold on leather sbank...
Most important is comfort. If it's not comfortable you will not want to sit and listen.