Anyone else having trouble getting cartridges back they sent for repair?

Cartridges Technics 100C and 205PMk3 sent over two years ago to Axel...nothing.
A year and a half would be totally unacceptable to me. I've had positive experiences with two different retippers on four different jobs and never had to wait more than 3 months. Turnaround was inside a month on two of those jobs and one of those included full coil replacement. 

18 months is ridiculous IMO-I'd consider that very poor service and, regardless of outcome, not go back. But to each his own. 
I was expecting a long time for my repairs because I told Mr. Harper that I don´t need quick repair. I would gladly use his services in the future if necessary. I can wait a very long time because I know he will do the job. And if not he will say it right away.

There is a big difference between repair of an MC and MM cart.

This is because their different construction. An MC cart can be

repaired in principle from all possible defects while this does not

apply for the MM carts. The MM carts with styli with tension wire

can't be repaired. The usual retip by MM carts consist of gluing

an new cantilever/stylus combo on the restant of the old cantilever.

By MC carts a new cantilever/stylus combo can be glued in the

 ''joint pipe'' on which (joint pipe) also the coils and suspension

( the ''rubber ring'') are fastend. For the MM carts the best

strategy is to try to find the original stylus. This is, alas, not

possible for the MC kinds. So for the MC kinds one need to

 learn what the possibilities are and then make the choice.