Cartridge Recommendation

Hi Guys
I need advice on a cartridge recommendation for the following set up. 
Table is a Clear Audio Performance DC with a Clarify Tonearm. Phono is a Avid Pellar. I am currently using the High Output Virtuso V2 that came with the package. I am looking for a low output cartridge in the $1000-1500 budget. I have also used a Dynavector Karat D17 with this table and loved it though I had trouble setting this cart because I feel it was a bit light for the tonearm (compliance?). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
I am looking for tight bass response and mids. 

So I've run both the XX2MKII and the ART9 in my VPI Scout. The bad news is that I had an OC9MLII in between and made a few system changes as well so I cannot report on a direct comparison. What I can say is that the XX2MKII was a nice cartridge for sure but I did not have the same reaction to it upon installation as I did the ART9 which really stopped me in my tracks and continues to inspire. FWIW, I would pick the ART9 in an instant, particularly at its price relative to the Dyna.
@srafi I just did a direct comparison of the ART9 and the XX2 (mkI not MkII), both on a modded to the max SL1200 with Terminator T3Pro arm. They were pretty close in my opinion, the owners of each preferred their own purchases. The ART9 was clearly a great value at its price.
My quick descriptions: ART9: balanced, more micro details, low key presentation, wider soundstage; great with full symphony, maybe a little polite & boring
XX2: Richer mids, more natural dynamics, organic; good on vocals, rock, lesser recordings, not as many "hifi attributes"
All this was based on only one session of about 3 hours. 
If I could get the Dyna for a small increment over the AT, I might go that way. Wish we had a 17D3 to try at the same time. That would have been interesting. There is another thread with comments about all this...In the end I chose something else and thought I could always head this direction later if I get the urge. Cheers,
It's the day before Thanksgiving, I'm in the office and everyone is pretending to be busy.

Just thought I would add my vote for the AT ART9.Mine is 1.5 years old and it just plays beautiful music. I have owned other 1k carts. Forget the Benz, DV, Grado, Lyra,Sumiko, SS....
They all have their strengths, but the ART 9 has enough of all qualities.  

For the price point, your cart buying days are over with the ART 9.

Until one steps into the "big league" (20k+ table and appropriate peripherals)no need to consider anything else-IMHO

<Ortofon dealer disclaimer>
The Cadenza Red sounds EXCELLENT :-) and is right in your target price range as well...
Herndon Audio