Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue

I recently got a CIA VDA-2 DAC.  I connected my iMac to stream music from my external HD to the DAC via a Toslink cable and from it to my preamp via RCA interconnects and it works dandy.  However, the DAC only as two inputs: a Toslink and a digital input (RCA) .  I connect my Oppo CD player from the coax jack on the back of it to the digital input on the DAC via a Belden 1694A digital cable, which is terminated on both ends with RCA connectors.  With this connection to my DAC, I get no signal to the DAC.   Can somebody give me an idea of what I am doing wrong?  It has been suggested that I need to re-program the output of the Oppo, but I have no idea what that entails.  
Thanks for any advice you sharp fellows can provide. Cheers, Whitestix

Look in the Oppo settings menu, perhaps under Audio Processing.

Make sure you are outputting linear PCM.
Thanks for weighing in.  Per CIA's suggestion, I swapped the Belden digital cable for a regular IC and still see no signal on the CIA DAC.  Erik, can you expand on your post as i think you might be getting me on the right track.  Thanks guys. 

From the Settings Menu-->

Audio Format Setup -> Coaxial/Optical Output ->

Under here you'll see a number of options.  Try LPCM first, then if that doesn't work, try 48 kHz.


I checked the Oppo manual and am I right in assuming that I have to hook up the Oppo to a television to get to this Settings Menu?  My TV is on the fritz....