Oppo CD/ Channel Islands DAC connectivity issue

I recently got a CIA VDA-2 DAC.  I connected my iMac to stream music from my external HD to the DAC via a Toslink cable and from it to my preamp via RCA interconnects and it works dandy.  However, the DAC only as two inputs: a Toslink and a digital input (RCA) .  I connect my Oppo CD player from the coax jack on the back of it to the digital input on the DAC via a Belden 1694A digital cable, which is terminated on both ends with RCA connectors.  With this connection to my DAC, I get no signal to the DAC.   Can somebody give me an idea of what I am doing wrong?  It has been suggested that I need to re-program the output of the Oppo, but I have no idea what that entails.  
Thanks for any advice you sharp fellows can provide. Cheers, Whitestix


From the Settings Menu-->

Audio Format Setup -> Coaxial/Optical Output ->

Under here you'll see a number of options.  Try LPCM first, then if that doesn't work, try 48 kHz.


I checked the Oppo manual and am I right in assuming that I have to hook up the Oppo to a television to get to this Settings Menu?  My TV is on the fritz....   
I changed the setting on the Oppo from Bitstream to 192k LPCM and the optical output now works.  Thanks a million for the help.

A follow-up post now that the CIA DAC is operable.  Spending an afternoon yesterday and the morning today comparing the Oppo straight into my preamp vs. through the CIA DAC, I conclusively conclude that there is no sonic benefits to the DAC.  Maybe a better DAC, like the Schitt Gungir, would lead to a different outcome, but I think the DAC in the Oppo103 is quite good.