Something just isn't there

I'm hoping some of you with experience can help me evaluate my system. It is, of course, hard to put words on sonic character but sometimes it just isn't there. My system is quite detailed and can have a very nice soundstage but rarely does it grab me. 

The system:Magnum Dynalab MD209 hybrid tube/SS amp,
Manley Chinook tube phono preamp,
Oracle Alexandria factory refurbished,
Oracle Prelude tonearm
Ortophon MC 20 super cart
Joseph Audio RM22si speakers
Audioquest Caldera speaker wire. 

As I have been upgrading the system, I'm left thinking that either speakers or room treatment need attention next.
My room is approximately 12x25with hardwood floor, hard surfaces including art and wooden furniture, two big sofas, and several doorways and windows.   My wife won't take kindly to funky acoustic treatments.Of course the speakers and cartridge are just plain old.  I find auditioning speakers daunting and worry that the showroom experience will not be representative of my home and my electronics. 
Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

Room treatment is always important. Contact GIK acoustics. They have a variety of pretty panels including Art Panels you can have custom printed.

One thing to check, sit about 2' in front of your speakers. I know it's not how you listen, just try it. At that distance, are you hearing what you want? If yes, it's the room and speaker placement. If not, the problem is between speakers and source.
IS it better with some kinds of music than others?

Can you physically feel the music when called for as well as hear it?
lobsterotter - 
Clueless as to what is missing for you.  A couple of recent experiences might be relevant, however.  Played around with added damping to subwoofers.  Initially it seemed a few pounds (4-5#) on top of the cabinets tightened things up.  Tried more weight.  Put a 20# paver on top each cabinet.  Found this seemed to kill the liveliness of the music.  Went back to no added weight at all.  Overdamping just sucked the life out of things even though the subs were crossing over at 100 Hz max.
Tried a new digital Coax between streamer and DAC.  This used an all silver core wire.  It gave a cleaner, smoother top end - especially at volume BUT, once again, seemed like the music was now missing life.  Didn't enjoy listening as much.  Restored the old coax.  and the life came back.

High end extension seems key to liveliness.  I also found addition of subs and improving the bass added greatly to musical enjoyment.  Probably nothing too profound here.  Just wondering if your answer might lie at the frequency extremes.