What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?

Also what bass driver or drivers do they use?


Also realistically speaking 20hz wave length is 56.6 ft long you need a combination of at least that in all directions to eliminate room nodes. so that much bass in any room with out treatment is going to give you issues.


The ohm walshes do quite well in this area. I’ve heard response with test records down to 20 hz with 8 inch ohm Walsh drivers in the past. The smaller ones I have these days are 8 inch and the larger 12 inch. One individual on the ohm thread here reported response down below 20 hz recently I recall.
Not sure what you mean by "small" and "flat." Zu Definitions go flat to 16Hz. They have a 12"x12" footprint. But they are also 50" tall. AudioNote ANE has bass down to 16Hz, but I think that there is a roll-off; and they use corners to reinforce the bass.
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?

Mapman what is your objective here ?

Are you looking for a silver bullet, all in one speaker for 2 channel music, or are you talking about standalone subs.

Very different considerations for both. I am running rooms with both scenarios.
