Mogami wire quality?

Say compared to Cardas? 
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auxinput241 posts11-07-2016 4:16pm

This is sort of an unfair comparison. Mogami is a good manufacturer of pro-audio cables (which is a different industry). In this industry, the goal is to make a durable cable that works well in live or even recording studio situations. They are not after the ultra-high end sound that most audiophiles are chasing.

Did you learn that from audio hi-end magazines or dealers or nooz?
Mogami wires will humiliate most of high-end wires at fraction of price, because they're part of substantially more honest industry than high-end home audio. If you learn to read mind behind each written or spoken word, you'll understand what I mean.

I'm gonna have to agree with @czarivey twice in one week. Damn! 
@czarivey speaks the truth here. Belden, Canare, Mogami, and I would add Kimber PR series, are all very high-performance for audio, at a reasonable price. They are actually so good that you do not have to lift them off the floor.
It is true that high-end home audio cables are in another league, but not in terms of performance, in terms of budget and non-sense.
No one on earth has proven that super high-end audio cables enhance the performance of a hi-fi system.  The opposite has been proven over and over.