Mogami wire quality?

Say compared to Cardas? 
auxinput241 posts11-07-2016 4:16pm

This is sort of an unfair comparison. Mogami is a good manufacturer of pro-audio cables (which is a different industry). In this industry, the goal is to make a durable cable that works well in live or even recording studio situations. They are not after the ultra-high end sound that most audiophiles are chasing.

Did you learn that from audio hi-end magazines or dealers or nooz?
Mogami wires will humiliate most of high-end wires at fraction of price, because they're part of substantially more honest industry than high-end home audio. If you learn to read mind behind each written or spoken word, you'll understand what I mean.

I'm gonna have to agree with @czarivey twice in one week. Damn! 
@czarivey speaks the truth here. Belden, Canare, Mogami, and I would add Kimber PR series, are all very high-performance for audio, at a reasonable price. They are actually so good that you do not have to lift them off the floor.
It is true that high-end home audio cables are in another league, but not in terms of performance, in terms of budget and non-sense.
No one on earth has proven that super high-end audio cables enhance the performance of a hi-fi system.  The opposite has been proven over and over.
co, according to the physics (Maxwell's Equations), capacitance is the great enemy at line level, while inductance is the enemy for speaker cables (because current is so much higher at the speakers). So low capacitance for tonearm wire and interconnect. That also goes for connectors, and ETI is the best alternative IMO.

Connect the shield to the RCA shell at the amplifier end ONLY. That avoids one source of ground loop.

I always make sure that the tonearm is grounded, so yes, I connect the drain at the tonearm body, and at the preamp ground. Both ends.

I think that your approach is by far the wisest one: use microphone cable and then let another cable prove it's superiority before buying. I have never upgraded from Canare Starquad, and my system is high end.

i use mogami w2497 high end single ended interconnect from amp to preamp. this is mogami’s audiophile interconnect; look it up. it is very quiet and sounds great. plus it’s made in japan, not china or a third world country.