VPI Classic Platter- Naked or better with a mat?

I was contemplating trying a Living Voice Mystic Mat or Millenium mat, as I've read very positive reviews about it for my Super Scoutmaster Ref. rimdrive. I called Music Direct and was told to leave the Classic platter as it is without using a mat, as it is a beautiful platter the way it is. The salesperson also said he did not hear it with a mat, but thought it was great without any mat. Very refreshing to not be told that it would make a positive difference and try to sell you. I appreciate that about Music Direct. Just wondering what others have tried and what your experiences are with different mats. Thanks.
Hey guys--reviving this thread. For those using the Classic platter--are you using the small round disc (about 1.5" diameter) over the spindle and under the record so that when the clamp is applied the record does not "dish"? This came with my original Scout acrylic platter but I've lost it and am finding that when I clamp down on the Classic platter the record edge lifts a little bit as the center is depressed. With the Scout and the disc the clamp would basically flatten the record right out to the edge. Thoughts?
I have the Classic platter....tried many mats, but certainly prefer none. (no small round disc over the spindle)
"I have the  Classic platter....tried many mats, but certainly prefer none. (no small round disc over the spindle"

Stringreen-there certainly isn't any "rule" how to play a record with the Classic platter.The  rubber disc enables the clamp to flatten the record on the platter. How do you accomplish this without?

The pressure/surface area of the clamp over the label is bending the record on the platter,thus flattening the disc.


   Contact VPI and they will send you another wasg\her - it is required when using the clamp, but not required with the weight.