You have a very nice setup, all Coincident equipment is major bang for the buck.
The Carissa is modded to some degree, Coincident stock. The Coincident is higher resolution and more dynamic, tonality in my setup spot on, great amp. I've thought about changing out the coupling caps in the Coincident to Jupiter, which I did in Carissa, but things are too nice as is. I'm not even sure I heard that much improvement with the SR fuses in, but then they never lasted long enough to properly ascertain. I only use the Turbo in direct mode (bypassing input switching and volume pot), coloration and some loss of transparency using as preamp.
I'm also in the midst of trying a variety of fuses in Turbo. The Radio Shack 6.3a are robust and have good sound quality, prefer them to other generic glass bodied fuses (6.3a is the stock value, and what came with amp). I tried the Schurter SMD-SPT's as well, the 6.3a has blown after a number of start ups. The 8a has yet to blow. I prefer the Radio Shack to these, Schurter has a flatter, more recessed soundstage, perhaps a touch more rolled off on top. Today I'm going to try AMR 8a. I also have some Bussman ceramic bodied, some generic ceramic bodied and other generic glass bodied to try. At this point I've given up using the SR fuses in the Turbo and Carissa. The large reservoir capacitors in 845 power supplies require too much current for too long , the SR fuses can't handle it. I would like to hear of someone successfully using boutique fuses in a 845 amp. A soft start circuit would likely solve this problem, but perhaps negatively affect sound quality (the old straight wire issue).
You have a very nice setup, all Coincident equipment is major bang for the buck.
The Carissa is modded to some degree, Coincident stock. The Coincident is higher resolution and more dynamic, tonality in my setup spot on, great amp. I've thought about changing out the coupling caps in the Coincident to Jupiter, which I did in Carissa, but things are too nice as is. I'm not even sure I heard that much improvement with the SR fuses in, but then they never lasted long enough to properly ascertain. I only use the Turbo in direct mode (bypassing input switching and volume pot), coloration and some loss of transparency using as preamp.
I'm also in the midst of trying a variety of fuses in Turbo. The Radio Shack 6.3a are robust and have good sound quality, prefer them to other generic glass bodied fuses (6.3a is the stock value, and what came with amp). I tried the Schurter SMD-SPT's as well, the 6.3a has blown after a number of start ups. The 8a has yet to blow. I prefer the Radio Shack to these, Schurter has a flatter, more recessed soundstage, perhaps a touch more rolled off on top. Today I'm going to try AMR 8a. I also have some Bussman ceramic bodied, some generic ceramic bodied and other generic glass bodied to try. At this point I've given up using the SR fuses in the Turbo and Carissa. The large reservoir capacitors in 845 power supplies require too much current for too long , the SR fuses can't handle it. I would like to hear of someone successfully using boutique fuses in a 845 amp. A soft start circuit would likely solve this problem, but perhaps negatively affect sound quality (the old straight wire issue).