auxinput is correct.
All solid state devices consist of metals, metal oxides and binders to bond them together. Overtime the solvent in the binders begin to evaporate and contributes to the resistor, diode or what have you, deteriorating.
I have mostly tube equipment, so I like to play a recording at low level, to put all electromechanical, and electrical functions of all components in a working state for 10-15 minutes or so (sometimes less), before I sit down to serious focused listing. I feel there is advantage to allowing the processed signal from you cartridge (or other source) to complete transmission thru your speakers, where the signal is processed thru the tube grids opposed to the tubes in an idle state, speaker motors in a working state warming up and working the surround material, interconnects transferring signals, etc.
All solid state devices consist of metals, metal oxides and binders to bond them together. Overtime the solvent in the binders begin to evaporate and contributes to the resistor, diode or what have you, deteriorating.
I have mostly tube equipment, so I like to play a recording at low level, to put all electromechanical, and electrical functions of all components in a working state for 10-15 minutes or so (sometimes less), before I sit down to serious focused listing. I feel there is advantage to allowing the processed signal from you cartridge (or other source) to complete transmission thru your speakers, where the signal is processed thru the tube grids opposed to the tubes in an idle state, speaker motors in a working state warming up and working the surround material, interconnects transferring signals, etc.