I’m running a Class D Taranis by Merrill Audio. Got a bit concerned by rvpiano’s tech’s comment about "on with no input signal" being bad for Class D. Checked with Merrill W., the designer of the Taranis, since my usual practice is to power down all gear except the Taranis. The Taranis does not have a conventional on/off power switch. Merrill assured me the Taranis will not suffer from being powered up though receiving no signal. Worth noting he did NOT say this might not be an issue for other designs.
The OP topic has been covered previously, never the less things sound better to me after 30-60 minutes playing music even if gear is turned on to warm up prior to that. Agree with those who speculate this might be a psycho-acoustic effect as much as hardware related.
The OP topic has been covered previously, never the less things sound better to me after 30-60 minutes playing music even if gear is turned on to warm up prior to that. Agree with those who speculate this might be a psycho-acoustic effect as much as hardware related.