Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Post removed 

TY- for sharing your thoughts. Keep the Transparent cabling in your rig, as you can  always, move up their chain at leisure.  A musical reward awaits you for climbing to a better cable/cord.

Happy Listening!
2nd note;

the middle tier is a sweet spot for Transparent (both IC & SP cabling).
Keep a watch for higher tiered products at used/demo prices (this is where you hit pay dirt).

Happy Listening!
Deep thought...

I realized last night that what I've been doing to better enjoy these speakers has been subtracting elements associated with them to let them perform their best. 

It's been said that photography is removing elements, painting is adding them. Coming to appreciate the Pass for its articulate sonics after first appreciating the Thiels for the same, the rest has been incremental, looking for those small improvements the pair will reveal together. 
Adding better power, speaker, and interconnect cables, along with a power conditioner was subtraction, removing as much noise from the chain as my budget will currently permit. 

Unsound's suggestion that I seek an additional bass eq for my 3.5's and have them modded into monos with balanced connects is another avenue heading in the same direction - a better, cleaner signal for them, and a very worthy investment in a product I find extraordinarily difficult to best. 

The "less" a Thiel has to have tossed its way the better it will perform. Clean up the power delivered, invest in better cables, and you'll see the ghost of Jim Thiel smiling back at you.