Looking for a DAC < $1500

Need two coax inputs to hook up my CDP and Bluesound Node2. Not too many out there with two coax inputs but found a couple on A'gon and trying to decide; Bryston BDA-2, Primare Systems DAC 30, and for just a little more, a McIntosh D100. If your money, which would you pick. Or should I just go with something new from Marantz reference line that plays CD (or SACD) and has a coax input. The goal is to take the digital glare from my CD player - a real midfi unit, and the Bluesound's internal DAC. Thanks.
kalali inputs, and outputs, are always female the plugs on the cable are male.
@kalali, I didn’t mean to suggest the Bifrost has a BNC connector (it doesn’t), I threw it in there only to comment on it’s sound quality. Best of luck with your search and please let us know which you decide on.
Check out the Schiit Gungnir Multibit dac loads of smart proprietary technology 
And is modular ,most dacs are Not .when a upgrade is available such as the Multibit upgrade you send in when your number in the Q is called ,they swap out 
A upgraded circuit board and good to go only $1250,upgrade wasv $499. And  upgradable when next 
Upgrade is available.  P.s if you can go a bit more the flagship Yggdrasil is Around  $2300  all have excellent reviews .

While looking for a DAC with two-coax inputs I came across Cambridge Audio DACmagic Plus. I know pricewise it is not in the same league as some of the higher end units out there but the specs seem pretty decent. Anyone familiar with this DAC?