Non shielded interconnects for connecting to tube integrated gear

I read somewhere while reading about tube integrated amps that non-shielded interconnects should be used in lieu of shielded interconnects. Is this just snake oil talk or is there any scientific rationale for doing this?
As Jim Morrison put it: ride the snake

But ask yourself - how could using a non-shielded interconnect possibly help?
It's not entirely snake oil, but it's not necessarily just for tubes, and not necessarily better. 

Shielding adds a tiny bit of capacitance to the cable at the risk of extra EM/RFI noise. If you can get away without the shielding it might be better.

In this case, your mileage WILL vary. Enjoy experimenting.


Clearly I was too busy driving to write correctly. :) I meant to say:

"Shielding adds a tiny bit of capacitance in exchange for reducing the chances of EMI/RFI noise."


if we send a 20 kHz signal down a cable with and w/o that tiny capacitance, what will happen?