New Component Upgrade Success Rate

I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits.  Cables, tubes, power cords, power conditioners, headphones, maybe even something major like a preamp or a DAC.  I've noticed my successful adoption rate is pretty low and I usually end up returning the new component.  About one out of every four or five attempts is a success.  I'm batting about .200.   What is your successful adoption rate when you try something new?
 Great response Dave. I believe the best point taken from Jim Smith's book is his advise to consider room treatment and system placement prior to equipment upgrade. 
Thanks mesch. Absolutely right about room acoustical treatment and placement.  Lately, I have been experimenting with vibration isolation (Symposium shelves & Rollerblocks and various springs) and am shocked at the performance improvement they have unleashed from my equipment. There all along but MIA before.

Best to you mesch,

Dave---Vibration isolation? So you too are "delusional"? (read the entire "Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics" thread for context ;-).

MWard---Up above you said you think you just like your existing sound too much to change it. The obvious question then, is what are you hoping for when you try a new piece? Anything specific, or just a general desire for improvement? That’s kind of like shooting in the dark, ain’t it? Without a definite goal in mind, an "improvement" is just a happy coincidence, purely by luck.

Having been much younger than I am now when I did just as you are doing, and by wisdom of experience now realize, I would have been better off just listening to the music, and waiting for a specific shortcoming in my system to become apparent before trying a new piece that I have reason to believe will cure that shortcoming. Just some "fatherly" advice ;-). If you like your system that much, relax and enjoy it and the music. Life is short! I say that as about ten friends of mine have died in the past eight years.

My sucess rate is 95%+. You need to clearly know what you want your system to sound like. I tend to ignore any review that talks about resolution, detail, dynamics, distortion, etc. When a reviewer listens to a piece of equipment and says he played a favorite album and tears rolled down his face that is something I want to hear. Also I was a recording engineer for many years and try to reproduce the sound I got in my favorite control room. Remember all reviews are subjective as well as your own listening. You need to match them up to have any success. Your high failure rate is not knowing what you want
I was lucky having many options to hear various components in my system from local dealers, local audio clubs, knew a few reviewers, plus I am able to do my own modifications/upgrades.  I kept trying to see what would get me to the next level from all of these avenues, but being a cheapie, I would not want to pay the higher price for what I considered was not a significant improvement from one component to another in my system. I settled on upgrading equipment and trying various capacitors, resistors, transformers, chokes, etc.  I also was fortunate in being able to try other peoples components in my system after they asked me to upgrade their components.  All of this made me begin to build my own components.  I learned what could improve a components sound and how all of this trial and error in parts swapping could change the sound.  I have stated this before but many people have not been able to hear what I have been fortunate to hear.  I would agree that many have not been able to really know what their system can sound like because of having been exposed to the same old thing from various manufacturers, IMO are just slightly different from each other.  I am generalizing here but that is what I felt when auditioning a component.  Once I understood what changed the sound and how it changed the sound, I was able to get to other levels in sound.  Way back then, Linn had the concept of component matching by using all of their components and the most important was the source.  I think I always knew that the source was the most important piece of the puzzle but it was not until recently that found out how important the source was.  Once I found a better source my system improved more that I imagined.  I don't think I really could judge my systems sound and any real improvement until this happened. 

Happy Listening.