Best SSP - Upgrade from Integra DTC 9.8

Am wrestling through some issues with a (second) Integra DTC 9.8. Looking for opinions on potential replacements.
It feeds a Classe' CA-5200, which drives B&W 802Ds, center and surrounds. Pioneer Elite 9G for video.

Used fair amount for music, also movies and TV.

I care about quality, want high performance and reliability. Thought Integra was a bargain for its features. Not sure it is my problem, but my guess is it will have to go.

I have been very happy with the Integra in most ways. Went from small TIB with Sony XRB CRT set up to pretty significant investment about 6 months ago.

I am not dealing with analog sound, so I cannot speak to that. As a digital surround unit, the 9.8 with my amp and speakers makes a wonderful sound. The better the recording, the better the sound. SACDs are just wonderful. The video experience has been pretty great as well. And the Audessey has done a marvelous job of upgrading the sound in my room. So I have only recently moved from being very happy to starting to question the component.

Have had some nagging issues with video dropping out that, in fairness, may or may not be caused by the Integra. At this moment I feel it is the problem. Was first related to cable signal. My supplier/installer is wonderful, and they dropped a new 9.8 in. Now I am having similar issue with feed from both PS3 and Denon DVD 3930CI. We are going to try different HDMI cables next week, and also try switching to component, which may work but rubs me wrong. The replacement unit also has the 1.07 firmware as opposed to the 1.08, so we will update that as well.

It is too early to say with certainty that the 9.8 is the problem, but I am trying to understand what the upgrade alternatives look like.

Got a message about Cary and will look at that, but have an open mind. Because of the way my TV is mounted I must feed it via HDMI, and can only run one cable, so there is no alternative but to run it from the processor.
Elvick, I tell ya what though, I've had some expensive pre/pro's that I feel are better than the ones you mentioned. And I still think that what that Audyssey MultEQ offers in something like this Integra is a good "leveling ground" with otherwise better sounding sounding AV pre'pro's! Basically, I'm not convinced that a Krell 7.1 would sound better in most acoustically problematic rooms than an Audyssey Calibrated Integra, to be honest!
I'd like to see more of the better pre's with the Audyssey MulTEQ integrated.
I don't like the idea of their stand-alone processor (keep in mind, I've done enough systems to know what the value of such DSP room correction offers, first hand! - it's huge!), which makes you have to go through a few analog to digital to analog conversions ultimately. That's my beef anyway.
Yeah, I'd like to see companies like Krell, Mcintosh, Theta, and other US companies license the Audyssey MultEQ into their pre/pro's!
But that's just my dream...I like their products in receivers basically - it does wonders
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Many other prepros are picking up Audyssey, from Onkyo and Denon, Marantz, and NAD to Sim Audio and Wisdom. This is an incomplete listing:

OTOH, some, like Anthem, incorporate very competent room EQs of their own.
