Another DAC recommendation

Hey all, need some advice on the next step for my system, an improved DAC.

Some background info:
I usually buy physically CD’s, rip them to FLAC, and either listen to them through my PC or directly on the CDP.
I have a far from ideal nearfield setup- I use Neat Motive 3 speakers on isoacoustics stands on my desk.
Amp is Creek Classic 5350SE and Creek Destiny CDP. For PC DAC duties, I am using an HRT microStreamer DAC
(line-out). I also occasionally listen with Sennheiser HD650’s through the Creek.

I previously tried CA DacMagic 100, HRT MS II+ and settled on a MF V-DAC 2 for a while. Then I thought I would be better off with a dedicated CDP for improved SQ, so I bought the Destiny CDP.

This is my issue:
To my ears, the difference between the Destiny CDP and the microStreamer is marginal, both through speakers and headphones.There is a difference, but it is very minimal. The Destiny’s treble is smoother, and it has more weight. But even so, its not night and day, and I’m not sure I would be able to differentiate in blind A/B testing.

So I am thinking, if the HRT can do such a good job, then what can a better DAC do? I also find it easier for me to choose music through my PC than load the physical CD’s.

Like I stated, I’ve already tried many DAC’s in the 200-300$ margin.
I’m looking to sell the Creek CDP and get a DAC around 600$ used, a few options that I saw in listings:
Arcam irDAC, Rega DAC-R, some older PS Audio, Benchmark DAC1, there is a W4S DAC-2 here now..

What do you guys think? Worth it, or waste of money?
The 2 Creek components are very good. I've owned both of them. In your situation, a preamp would be a better choice. You can still use the 5350 for an amp. If you want to hear bigger differences, you need to use components that are capable. 
It would be interesting to find out if a DAC upgrade would improve your present set up, but I suspect the limiting factor of your present system may be your speakers.  Improving the quality of the signal entering the speakers won't help if the transducers receiving the signal are at the limits of their resolution.
  For $600 you should be able to pick up some good desktop or standmounts.  You can get powered desk mount speakers and consider selling off the electronics, if you want to pursue that route.
I am not familiar with your speakers, however suspect mahler123 may be right given your budget and quality of the Destiny CDP. 

Another option that come to mind is the purchase of a CDP that allows access to it's internal DAC. Less clutter for a desktop system.

Then again, does your CDP have digital outputs? Should you decide to purchase a stand alone DAC, you could run CDP as a transport in addition to using the computer. Obviously,  improvement over existing system this would require the purchase of a DAC superior to the one contained within the Destiny. The W4S DAc-2 may fit this description, as would other not so old and higher in quality used DACs, however one will only know by trying. If purchased right used, could also be sold with little loss, as shipping costs would be minimal. In searching for a DAC, those with a quality power supply and analog output stage, are ones worth finding and can be bought used at a fraction of original cost.