"They don’t believe in cable directionality making a sonic difference. IME, this doesn’t hold water."
You may not think their wire achieves the proper status for your system, but regarding the cable directionality issue, I would counter that every cable providing electricity and/or signals of any kind in your life, including your stereo components, were installed without regard to directionality, except probably your speaker cable and interconnects (and fuses if you follow the SR protocol).
yup, that’s the problem in a nutshell. Nobody pays attention to wire directionality for almost everything. Assuming they’ve even heard of it. Also, I’m pretty sure all aftermarket fuse companies are now on board the whole fuse directionality train. How many aftermarket fuse companies are there now? Gotta be ten. Anyway, all the stock off the shelf fuses have directional protocols too. Those manufacturers just didn't get the memo yet.