Think twice before concluding some thing sounds better

Often anything good that is merely different seems better.    So many aspects of sound, things to listen for. Takes time to really know what parts are better and what might actually be worse in a complementary sense 
Onhwy61,  I wish to God that recording engineers spent more time trying to get better sound.  So much of what they produce sounds like crap that no amount of money spent at home can fix.  The improvements that could be made in the recording studio dwarf what we can do at home, at least within the budget constraints most of us have.
Truer words have not been spoken. The crap we get from the major record labels leave a lot to be desired. I mentioned on a different thread of listening to a well recorded 16 bit CD of a jazz band, done by Tony Manasian and it laid to rest any dreams of going high rez, for the foreseeable future. I believe he only uses two mikes (partially his design) and no equalization and the end product even bettered any Mapleshade CDs that I have. Talk about a purist. The performers literally left the speakers: a first in my living room.

The end result is literally in reach for all of us if the recording was done right in the first place. One of the biggest frauds perpetrated on us is the notion that we can get more out of a recording if only.....

All the best,
Onhwy61--Luv the comparisons--so right--hell getting any so called dealer to loan a piece for "months so I can see if I REALLY like it!"
is akin to pulling teeth!
