Yamaha A-s2100 vs A-s1100

Interested in the differences between these two amps, and also the quality of the built in headphone amp. Thanks
@jl35 ,

Let me clarify my statement. I am sure there are more differences than I pointed out and the 2100 is a better piece, but I just noted what I know to be true.

I own the A-S1000 and I love it but would have no problem upgrading to either the 1100 or 2100 if funds permitted.

the 6moons review seems to also indicate a better headphone amp in the 2100.  with the small price difference it is looking like the 2100 is worth the difference.  thanks all...
I was hoping the As2100/3000 would have come down on the used market. I'm thinking of picking a 2100 thru Assessories4less. People must really like them
I don't know if they are or aren't but if you do decide to buy from them, check to see if they are authorized dealers or Yamaha will not honor the manufacturers warrantly